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Companion Planting

Updated: Feb 1, 2024

Organically Combating Pest in your Garden

Below is a guide I have put together using the very plants that I grow now and in the past. You will notice as I add to this list a few will be new. New plants I grow in containers the first year as an experiment to test them out. I just set the container near the plants that are in-ground in the garden. Then I document how it helped/hindered my other plants' growth, and how they grew along with those others. If it was successful then I plant it in-ground the next year. I will highlight the ones I add to this list that are new so that you can track them along with me. I just wanted to put something together quickly this weekend for anyone wanting to reference this information.

When you use companion planting in your garden you increase your defenses against common garden pests that can demolish your crop. You also are pairing plants that actually benefit from each other by either improving their taste or by increasing yields. Potentially by using companion planting you are creating 3 ways of improving your garden's harvest. It may not eliminate all your problems with pests, but you will notice a decrease in their population. This honestly gives you more time to react, create a solution, and action plan to rid your plants of the pest. A lot of these companions such as Onions, Garlic, Marigolds, and Borage; practically have no enemies and act as animal repellants too!

In all, companion planting truly is the best organic option you can implement in your garden. Most of these methods originate from the Native American's way of life. People we all could seriously learn from when it comes to organic gardening and sustainability altogether. Take some time to research the “Three Sisters Method”. See if you don’t learn something new from this method and how effective it can be.

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Companion Planting Guide For Common Garden Plants

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31 janv. 2023

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